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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Select a lable using "for" in JQuery

Jquery selector for the label of a checkbox $("label[for=genTaxRateOrder]").

Difference of self and static in inheritance, php example

class A {
    public static function get_A() {
        return new self();
    public static function get_me() {
        return new static();

class B extends A {


echo get_class(B::get_A());  // out put A
echo get_class(B::get_me()); // out put B
echo get_class(A::get_me()); // out put A

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Zend Framework db examine SQL query Or Print SQL query

$db->update($data, array('id = ?' => $Posts->id));
print $db->getProfiler()->getLastQueryProfile()->getQuery();